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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院


明尼苏达州 转学课程(MnTC) Goals

明尼苏达州 转学课程(MnTC) is the general education curriculum for the 明尼苏达州 State Coll​eges and Universities sy阀杆. Completion of this defined transfer curriculum at one institution enables a student to receive credit for all lower division general education upon admission to any other 明尼苏达州 public institution.

为了获得全部 明尼苏达州 转学课程(MnTC)​, all ten goal areas listed below must be completed. A total of at least 40 semester credits must be earned. Courses designated with a superscript (e.g.生物学172010) satisfy more than one goal area; however, credits are counted only once toward the 40-credit minimum requirement. A (p) indicates a prerequisite is required for that course. Completion of the MnTC meets the lower division general education 需求 at 明尼苏达州 State Colleges and Universities and the University of 明尼苏达州.

To follow the Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science 需求 for general education courses, choose from the MnTC courses according to the distribution 需求 for your degree. 的 Associate of Science degree requires 30 MnTC credits; the Associate of Applied Science degree requires 16 MnTC credits.

All college level courses in which a student has received a grade of A, B, C, D or P/S will be considered for transfer evaluation. No F grade courses will be accepted. Please note that while D grades will transfer and will fulfill 明尼苏达州 转学课程(MnTC) 需求, some programs require all courses to have a grade of C or higher to fulfill 需求.


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